Official CNN News Condensed Cream Of Bullshit Soup shirt
Official CNN News Condensed Cream Of Bullshit Soup shirt
CNN removing a fake article is akin to them using toilet paper. is CNN News Condensed Cream Of Bullshit Soup shirt it any wonder no one watches CNN anymore? Fake News… A new source of media would be to start a “Gold Standard” category media of insured. And bonded just like any construction job site. The “Gold Standard” symbol would be on front of each podium of the newscaster to show they are fact checking and stand behind their word. When they spew fake news a lien would be placed on their bond. Then they would financially have to deal with it in mediation. This form of media would get premium fees from sponsors because everyone would prefer to watch the “Gold Standard” news.
Buy this shirt: CNN News Condensed Cream Of Bullshit Soup shirt
CNN News Condensed Cream Of Bullshit Soup shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt
If your news media not insured and bonded it will portrayed. As just another National Enquirer or trash media just for entertainment purposes. CNN will stand by their story because they broke the story knowing full well that to retract the story would diminish their reputation for generating fake news or uncorroborated so-called true stories and would diminish their reputation as a Democrat propaganda mouthpiece. The chasm between reality and CNN reporting on reality has widened to the point that the mind boggles in attempting to reconcile the two. Applying to CNN as a reporter requires a serious head injury in ones past imo.