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For clarification, I’m not gay and so this is observations from looking on, rather than experiencing things first hand. LBGT gay uncle shark doo doo doo shirt. I mention this only because I appreciate things can be different. That said, you’ll have no problems whatsoever. I don’t know of any bisexual officers but wouldn’t imagine it would be anything different. Let’s be clear, sexuality is a protected characteristic under the European Convention on Human Rights. Something that the Police as an organization takes very seriously. Thanks for the response. It’s quite reassuring to hear. I’ve never thought of the police as a homophobic organization, but there’s a small reference in the book Blue by John Sutherland to the word ‘faggot’ being drawn on a poster in a police station. That was the early 90s but I still wondered if homophobia existed today.
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You won’t have a problem. LBGT gay uncle shark doo doo doo shirt. There is an opportunity to walk in the parade open to any rank and members of the SLT participate in the parade too. My force has an LBGT society, I can’t speak for every force but I would surprise if yours doesn’t. I wouldn’t say you’d have a problem. On my shift there is one lesbian officer and nobody treats her any differently, she’s well-liked and respected, and she likes a bit of banter as much as anyone else. When I talk about banter, I mean in the sense that everyone gets banter about them, I’d very much doubt there would be anything malicious. I’m bi and have never had an issue with it at work when it has come up in conversation it was never a big deal or anything like that. I would not worry about it in the slightest.
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And to be honest I think if anyone heard a member of the public giving her abuse for it there would be no shortage of people wanting to set things straight. LBGT gay uncle shark doo doo doo shirt. As for wearing pins that would depend on your force and what they allow. So I knew if I joined and there was an issue, I’d be out and doing something else. Suffice to say though, the Police is the most inclusive organization I have ever been in. Everyone is very welcoming, and they deal with LGBTQ+ victims, suspects, and crimes just like anything else. I have had no issue whatsoever and I don’t expect you will have any issues. I’ve got openly gay and lesbian officers on my team, including a sergeant. Never heard anything which would ever give me cause to believe they’re anything other than entirely accepted as such. In well over a decade in the job, it’s been the same throughout.