Bitch please I’m so fucking fabulous shirt
When your cat licks, Bitch please I’m so fucking fabulous I pee glitter shit cupcakes and fart rainbows shirt, all that off it could get stuck in its throat or end up poisoning his/her stomach. What a silly move. People are talking about the safety of animals and the environment from plastic, but guarantee they’ve thrown plastic out of their car windows or thrown plastic in a container that is not a recycle friendly bin. Get over yourselves and keep scrolling. This is just a cute video of a cat rolling adorably in environment safe glitter. Nothing more. Say something when you’re out in the ocean cutting animals free from plastic or cleaning up the reef. Until then, just watch the cute fucking video and smile, ya turds. Anyone can make a child. It takes a special human being to be a step parent. This fiancé and her young son found a special human and it’s absolutely beautiful. My oldest was 5. Just picked him up from school. Parked right ...